Friday 12 October 2012

Spotty Contrast Quilt

At the fabric shop in Kojonup yesterday I couldn't help but slip a small amount of these fabrics into my purchases. I have been really wanting to try some kind of red, white and black combo and these ones seemed just right.

Whilst we were browsing the store the shop keeper was showing another customer how to sew a quilt with 3x3 squares which you then slice into quarters. You then rotate 2 of the quarters and join it back up.

As i didnt really know what i was doing i cut some paper squares and did a trial run.

I started with this ...

Then I had to decide how the next block was going to go. Black, white, black again, or swap to white, black, white? I'm sure there is a 'proper' way, but I was only interested in doing what pleased my eye. Out came the scraps of paper again. This?...

Or this?...

I decided I liked the first one best and sewed my next block up with reverse colours, but now looking at them again I think I have made a mistake. I might need to discard that block and do up another one the other way.

What do you think?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. They look great! (The block is called a disappearing 9-patch, by the way, or D9P). There's no right or wrong way to make them - however you like it is how you should do it! I happen to love the alternating version you've done using both types of blocks; it will create a good diagonal pattern across your quilt top.

  2. The Giant quilt that is usually on my bed is a D9P design... (not the new MonSwoom quilted by emma above, but the other one I made a few years ago). Yours looks great... will make a great quilt for a newborn baby- with the whole newborn contrast thingie going on.
